I call this blog “Understand2Bfree” because it is about
understanding the things that need to be understood in order to have a better
life. It is almost impossible to be truly free from something that is not
understood. Otherwise, I will always wonder about it or, more annoyingly, fall
prey to it again. So this is where I share the interesting things I've
learned in my quest to understand different things.
This blog will touch on many different subjects, but I’m
going to start with sociopaths since they have been my biggest challenge for
some time. Most likely, you know one too. But maybe you just don’t know
it yet.
They say that 1 in 25 people are sociopaths; that’s 4%
of the population. Apparently, most of them are either in prison as repeat
violent offenders or at the top of the food chain as politicians, CEOs of
corporations, and various types of trust-invoking professionals. They are the
people who are out for themselves only and don’t care who they hurt in the
process. They have no empathy, no conscience and no remorse. Unfortunately,
I feel like I know an inordinately high number of them although none have been
officially diagnosed as such, but most of them never are. Sociopaths don’t seek
help. They don’t feel that there’s anything wrong with them. They consider
their condition as an advantage rather than a problem.
They are also very charming and attractive, so it’s really
easy to fall under their spell. You will mistake their glibness for warmth and
friendliness, but in reality, it is a trap. Think of sociopaths as
spiders – they have to lure you into their web before they can kill you. So the
trick is to NOT get lured. Hopefully, the information I provide here over
the next few weeks will help YOU to NOT get lured.
I’ll be covering different aspects of dealing with a
sociopath. From common traits to red flags that can help you identify them to
different tactics they use to strategies you can use to minimize the damage
they cause. Do you know 25 people? Statistically speaking, one of them IS
a sociopath. That doesn’t necessarily MEAN they are dangerous – but they might
be. How can you know?
Well, check what you know about them against the diagnostic criteria and list of common psychopathic traits that I'll be posting very soon. And just so you
know - a TRUE sociopath or psychopath will possess almost ALL these traits –
not just a few. Also, you are not qualified to decide if anyone is a
sociopath or a psychopath. This
checklist is accompanied by an intense 2 day training seminar. Unless you’ve
been trained by the man who the list is named for, use it as a guideline ONLY.
SOCIOPATH!!!! There are so many reasons why it's ALWAYS a bad idea. Don't do it. It's best not to let them know what you know about them. Trust me,
the more you learn about sociopaths the more you'll understand why.
Check back soon for
"Facts You Didn't Know About Sociopaths"
"Sociopath vs. Psychopath: What's the difference?"
"Facts You Didn't Know About Sociopaths"
"Sociopath vs. Psychopath: What's the difference?"
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