Tuesday, September 17, 2013

19 Facts about Sociopaths

Keywords: sociopath, psychopath, ASPD, evil, relationships, domestic violence, trust, anger, conflict, conscience, emotions, expression, hurt, love, ego, dominance, oppression.
1.       It is estimated that 1 in 25 Americans is a sociopath. 
2.       Contrary to popular belief, sociopaths and psychopaths are NOT psychotic. They are NOT insane. They simply have no conscience to guide their behavior.
3.       Sociopaths are not necessarily evil because there are other forces at work besides a conscience that can discourage bad behavior.  That being said, many sociopaths enjoy finding ways to work around constraints because it proves once again that he’s smarter than everyone else.
4.       From the time they are teenagers, sociopaths will often misinterpret negative facial expressions that are non-hostile (i.e. confusion, worry, hurt feelings, pain, deep thought) as angry or hostile.  This contributes  greatly to misunderstandings and helps to fuel many arguments.
5.       Sociopaths do not give sincere apologies.
6.       Sociopaths do not stay in committed relationships. They are sluts.
7.       A sociopath will often take a new lover while they still have their old one so he (or she) can parade the new one in front of the old one.  He knows this is cruel and will hurt his former lover  even more plus his ego is hoping they will fight over him.
8.       You cannot reason with a sociopath. If you try, you’ll make things worse. At the very least, you’ll frustrate yourself and annoy your psychopath.
9.       Sociopaths believe that people with feelings are weak and those with a conscience are stupid.
10.   Do not expect a sociopath to learn from his mistakes or to make better decisions in the future because sociopaths are unmoved by consequences, punishments, pleas or newly acquired knowledge.
11.   A sociopath’s goals are never what they say they are. They will say one thing and do another. They will appear to act in direct conflict with any values and goals they claim to have.
12.   Sociopaths are egotists -  They believe they are smarter, better, and more important than anyone else.  
13.   Sociopaths will never respect another human being. However. they will pretend to have respect for someone if it serves their purpose OR if they can be frightened into acting like they do – good luck with that.
14.   Statistically, everybody knows at least one sociopath. Chances are you even interact with them on a regular basis – completely oblivious to their evil capabilities.
15.   Psychopaths comprise about fifteen to twenty-five per cent of the North American prison population. Of the un-incarcerated adult male population, the general consensus among psychologists is that about one percent are psychopaths – think CEOs and politicians. Female psychopaths are thought to be much rarer (but those psychologists don’t know the crazy bitches that I do!)
16.   Sociopaths will pit people against each other for no reason - other than its fun for them.
17.   Every emotion displayed by a sociopath is calculated. Even the ones that seem spontaneous are calculated – and they are calculated to do exactly that – seem spontaneous. Fake emotions are always evidence of a bigger strategy in motion to manipulate you.
18.   Any interest they seem to take in you or whatever you like to talk about – i.e. your problems, concerns, passions, kids, marriage, whatever – is an act. They couldn’t care less. But they will ACT like they do so that after you’ve spilt your guts to them they can take what you’ve told them and turn it against you – probably when you least expect it. Fair or not.
19.   Currently, there are no drugs or therapies to treat  psychopathy.  Drugs can’t create a conscience and psychotherapy (talking to a psychiatrist) only empowers a psychopath, quite often giving them the tools to make them more dangerous.

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