Friday, April 3, 2015

REVIEW: Loreal New Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Serum

I haven't used self-tanners for a few years now, but I used to use them quite a bit. That's what you have to do if you don't have a tan in March in Southern California. Everyone is expected to always have a little color, no matter what time of year it is.

So, I hadn't been outside much and I was self-conscious about my legs showing so I grabbed one at Rite-Aid on my way to the check out line.  Careless of me, I know.

Loreal's Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Serum is a throwback to the days when self-tanners first came on the market. They were awful back then. It took forever to dry, it smelled bad, it made the person smell bad the next day, it stained your clothes, and it left orange streaks in random places.

Sublime Bronze does all that except take forever to dry. Unfortunately, this product dries too fast to give the person a chance to blend it in.

The bottle says: "Streak-free". Not true.
 It's very frustrating because you can't tell if there are streaks until the color shows up hours later. Just like back in the day.

Seriously, this is a horrible product. I will not buy it again.

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