Millions of newly insured Americans are being set up to LOSE their HEALTHCARE COVERAGE because democrats and other non-conservatives don't think it's worth their time to vote.
Because Republicans were able to work a clause into Obamacare that ultimately left it up to each state to decide whether or not they would participate, many Republicans who are running against Democrats in state elections have vowed to REPEAL their state's participation if they are elected, leaving millions of regular people, like you and me, without any access to affordable healthcare.
It is DISGUSTING that the Republicans want to deny or repeal healthcare without offering anything in return. No alternatives. Just NO HEALTHCARE.
And why should THEY care? No, really, why should they? They are only voting down healthcare for those who would otherwise have no way to get any. You don't hear any one in Congress ranting and raving that THEIR health coverage is 'a bad idea'.
Oh yeah, and tell me again WHY Obamacare is "such a bad idea" because all the reasons Republicans have so far are either so vague and ambiguous that it prevents any serious address of the issue, or so hateful that you start to wonder who they hate more - a black man for being president, or their own constituents for thinking that access to good healthcare isn't only for members of congress.
What happened to being "pro-life?"
Or is that rhetoric reserved only for those who are not born?
What's the point in forcing babies to be born if they can't get the care they need to lead a happy, healthy life?
Quality of Life has never been an issue Republicans have been willing to get behind. Let's face it, if they cared about anyone else's quality of life, they would insist that we all get the same healthcare coverage Congress gets. But that's not going to happen.
The Republicans run a tight ship. If you only watch one channel for news you may not notice. But if you switch channels at all or get your news from more than one source you've probably noticed that every person across all media describe certain events using the exact same wording. Everyone. I don't know how early that call must come in, but every single morning, no matter how much the buzzwords changed overnight, all the republican pundits are all using the exact same phrasing in response to certain news stories. Everyone in lockstep.
This strategy is used to shape public opinion. They are telling us what to think and HOW TO FEEL about practically everything from immigration to vaccination to gun control.
It's definitely that way with our healthcare. They keep saying "it will never work" and "it's a bad deal for the American people" and "it costs too much". Respectively, those "reasons" are vague; vague and ridiculous; and vague, ridiculous and insulting.
Despite their complaints, Republicans, have yet to bring anything constructive to the table.
No ideas for how we can make it work better.
No explanation of how guaranteed healthcare could possibly be "bad" for Americans.
No suggestions for better ways to fund Obamacare.
And no alternatives. They must REALLY not want all of us Little People to have any care because now they are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. They even released bogus footage of Planned Parenthood supposedly doing morally dubious things. It was revealed that this evidence was false, yet it seems Republicans have doubled their effort since then to get Planned Parenthood unfunded, effectively shutting down quality healthcare to millions of people.
Why? Shutting down Planned Parenthood doesn't hurt President Obama. It hurts millions of regular folk like you and me.
Please, everyone, get out and vote whenever you have the chance. It could mean the difference between life and death for someone you know - maybe even you.