Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hey Coors, bring back Zima!

It's been gone too long.

Bring Zima back to America! There's a new generation out there that isn't so homophobic and intolerant as the previous generation, and they want a drink that they can feel good about. Zima is that drink. It's light, crisp, and refreshing.

And, no, Smirnoff Ice is NOT the same thing. Not even close. Smirnoff Ice is tastes like its full of syrupy sugar. So does Mike's Hard Lemonade. They'll both make a person FAT and give them DIABETES before they ever catch a buzz from drinking these Kool Aid wanna-bes.

Zima doesn't make you fat. I always drank Zima and I was always skinny - 5 foot 5 inches, 127 pounds. Then they discontinued Zima in the states. I searched and searched for something comparable because I like to drink, but I hate beer. I haven't changed my eating habits at all and now I'm overweight - from drinking drinks like Mike's Harder Lemonade and stupid Smirnoff Ice.

Bring Back Zima. It's what America needs.
I care about politics.

I realize that I'm NOT in the norm. I am painfully aware of how little  most of my fellow Americans care about politics.

It's appalling, really, when you consider the horrors endured by people around the world because they do not have a right to vote . People from all over the world give their lives year in and year out, just to feel like they have a say in the affairs of their country - and we just throw it away.  We already fought for it!! And won!! How ungrateful we must seem to the old, restless spirits that risked everything to fight for our rights which we now take for granted.

Too many people watch FOX News to get their information. They feel smug about what they've "learned". Lucky for them, their perspective has been adjusted so that they feel justified looking down on all those who do not conform to the opinions they hear from Fox's "news"casters.  In fact, Fox's "news"casters deliver the news with such bias, that they leave little room for their viewers to think for themselves. They do not deliver any "news" objectively. They always use that "rumor" tone of voice that infers to the listener how they should feel about what they've just heard. FoxNews viewers tend to be VERY defensive about how they feel about these issues in particular. I think its because Fox's tone of voice also conveys a sense that anyone who sees an issue differently, should feel unAmerican and be shamed to hell. Unfortunately, most of their "reasons" for their positions on certain issues just don't hold up to scrutiny, and even die-hard loyal viewers have difficulty explaining their reasoning because it just doesn't sound as convincing unless it's in that disapproving rumor tone of voice. So they get defensive. And who can blame them? I mean, it's embarrassing when you think you know what you are talking about, until you hear how stupid it sounds when you say it out loud.

If you like to watch FoxNews, try this: Turn off the sound and turn on the captions. That way you can get their news, but without the biased tone of voice. And just see if you end up with a different opinion than what they suggest.

REVIEW: Neutrogena Micro Mist Sunless Tanning Spray

My quest to find the best sunless tanning spray continues!

REVIEW:  Neutrogena's Micro Mist Airbrush Sunless Tanning Spray - Deep Color
COST:  around $15 (at my local Rite-Aid)

This one was a little more pricey than the other sunless tanning products, but Neutrogena has a good reputation with skin care products, so I figured it would probably be worth it. You know, "you get what you pay for," right?

I opted for the "Deep" shade, which claims to make you 3 shades darker. The front of the can says: "ultra-light, fine mist goes on evenly... for an all-over flawless tan" and "no-rub application".

What a load of crap.  

I have spent literally ALL MORNING applying this sunless tanner and I barely notice any change at all. This product has to be applied rather heavily if you want to see ANY results. This stuff is useless when applied "in a fine light mist.".

But a heavy application makes it harder to get an even tan. It also means there's a potential for drips, so you DO have to rub to blend in after all. Luckily, it dries very quickly - even when its applied in a thick layer. We're talking 5-10 minutes, tops.

.But even with the heavier application, there's not much change in color. I've applied about 7 coats so far this morning and I still look unacceptably white even for the middle of winter. Which it is not - it's September and its HOT outside. This product is useless to me.  I live in California where you MUST be tan at least 10 months out of the year. People will think I'm sick or something!

Of course, like with all tanning sprays, I smell like I've used a fake tanning product, although its not as strong as some tanners I've tried in the past.

And, can I just say that the color seems a big orange-ier than I expected. For as long as sunless tanners have been on the market, you'd think the manufacturers would have at LEAST managed to improve the color by now.

Also, I do not like how it wears off. It looks like I have age spots on my legs! Embarrassing. I'm not old enough for those. Luckily, it's only temporary. 

CONCLUSION:   I'm more than a little disappointed, to be honest. Unfortunately, this product was a complete waste of time and money for me. It takes way too much product to achieve any noticeable change in color, which ends up looking too orange-y anyway. I won't buy this one again.